Reason One: Summer cooling

Our caravans and holiday homes are the perfect places to be when the weather is warm. However, climate change means we can experience extremely high temperatures at virtually any time from Spring to Autumn. Caracool allows you to enjoy the nice weather, but when it gets too hot you can step inside and cool off. No more uncomfortable nights.

Reason tWO: Keep your pets safe

Whilst the high temperatures are at best uncomfortable for some people, for our pets, children and some of us, they can be dangerous. With Caracool you no longer need to stay away from your caravan when it's too hot. Enjoy the weather but stay safe.

Reason Three: To reduce our use of LPG for heating

It is estimated that there are more than 350,000 static caravans currently in use in the UK alone. Glamping pods, although relatively small in number in comparison to static caravan, are growing in popularity. Most caravans used regularly during a typical 8 - 9 month season, can use anywhere between 2 - 5 large bottles of LPG (47Kg). At a conservative average of 2 bottles per caravan, that is a massive 32,000,000 Kilos or 32,000 tonnes of LPG (liguid petroleum gas).

Reason four: It's cheap to run too

Here's the maths -A 47Kg bottle of LPG currently costs between £96 - £120. Each bottle will provide 580 KWh of energy to a gas bottle that will have a maximum efficiency of 92%. This means that each KWh of heat will cost between 16.5 to 20.7p. HEAT PUMP systems are much more efficient and have a coefficient of performance (COP) of between 3 & 4. This means that for every KWh of electricity used the heat pump will provide 3 - 4 KWh of heating or cooling. However, because electricity is normally more expensive than gas, the cost are very similar. As LPG is much more expensive per KWh than piped gas, the caracool system wins. At a typical site rate of 34p per KWh of electricity and a COP of between 3 & 4, each KWh of heating or cooling will cost between 11.3 & 8.4p. That's nearly half the price of the LPG systems!

Reason five: Short supply of LPG

We have already experienced shortages in the supply of LPG since the start of the war in Europe and as the demand for limited supplies increases, this could get worse. It is uncertain what the future holds for the supply of LPG, but we do know that as fossil fuels are phased out, LPG will be replaced by BioLPG . We are expecting this to be much more expensive than LPG and supplies could be restricted, at least initially, due to shortages in availability. Using electricity for HEAT PUMPS and in the future, for hot water too, is the secure way to ensure uninterrupted use.